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Date and time 25/09/23 14:30 to 16:30 CEST


“Advancing towards the Cloud, Edge, and IoT Continuum: Insights and Impacts”  is an online event organised by UNLOCK-CEI as part of the EUCloudEdgeIoT (EUCEI) initiative. 

EUCEI is a collaborative effort aimed at fostering advancements in cloud, edge computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies within the European Union. This initiative is coordinated by UNLOCK-CEI and Open Continuum projects, respectively focused on the demand and supply sides of the computing continuum. The initiative brings together experts, industry leaders, and researchers to drive innovation and explore the potential of these emerging fields.

Description and Motivation to Attend:

This event offers a unique opportunity to gain valuable insights into the ongoing efforts of the EUCEI initiative. Attendees will have the chance to delve into the preliminary results and impacts generated by UNLOCK-CEI and the various task forces within the EUCEI initiative. By attending, participants can gather firsthand knowledge about the advancements being made in the cloud-edge-IoT continuum. This knowledge will contribute to shaping the future of these technologies and their impact on various sectors.

Who Should Attend:

The event welcomes a diverse range of participants, including industry professionals, researchers, policymakers, and technology enthusiasts. Individuals and organisations invested in the cloud, edge computing, and IoT sectors will find value in attending. This event provides a platform for networking, exchanging ideas, and gaining insights from experts and leaders in the field.


The tentative agenda for this two-hour online session is as follows:

  1. Opening Keynote: Advancing Towards the Cloud, Edge, and IoT Continuum - Unveiling the Vision  – Rolf (5 min)
  2. Driving Demand-Side Market Trends and Outcomes – IDC (15 min)
    1. Introduction to UNLOCK-CEI
    2. Market trends and top use cases
  3. Industry requirements
    1. VDI (10 min)
    2. EGI (10 min)
  4. Bridging demand and supply: Collaborative Frameworks and Use Case Ecosystem – Bluspecs (10 min)

[5-minute break]

  1. Panel discussion with industry experts and research use case owners (35 min)
  • Confirmed speakers: Albert (OC), Geert (whitesky), Natalie (AIOTI/Enercoutim), Harry (NEMO), TBA
  1. Impact and success stories: Inspiring Achievements in the Cloud-Edge-IoT Continuum – Trust-IT (5 min)
  2. Success stories pitches, moderated by Trust-IT – max 5 (4 min each, 20 min)

Confirmed speakers: Alissa (Intellimech)

  1. Closing Remarks: Shaping the Future of Cloud, Edge, and IoT - Towards a Connected World  by EC or IDC (5 min)

Note: The agenda  and timings provided are tentative and subject to change.