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EGI-ACE Webinar

Deploying virtual infrastructures with Infrastructure Manager (IM)

In this webinar we will focus the usage of the IM Dashboard an easy to use web interface designed to enable not advanced users to deploy a set of predefined and well tested customizable virtual infrastructures (Kubernetes, SLURM, Mesos, Galaxy, …) in top of a wide range of cloud providers (EGI Cloud Compute and also commercial and open clouds - AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, OpenStack, OpenNebula, ...) with a single set of mouse clicks.

About this webinar


The Infrastructure Manager (IM) is a framework that eases the access and the usability of IaaS clouds by automating the VMI selection, deployment, configuration, software installation, monitoring and update of Virtual Appliances. It supports APIs from a large number of virtual platforms, making user applications cloud-agnostic. In addition it integrates a contextualization system to enable the installation and configuration of all the user required applications providing the user with a fully functional infrastructure. It is a service that features a web-based GUI, a XML-RPC API, a REST API and a command-line application.

In this webinar we will focus the usage of the IM Dashboard an easy to use web interface designed to enable not advanced users to deploy a set of predefined and well tested customizable virtual infrastructures (Kubernetes, SLURM, Mesos, Galaxy, …) in top of a wide range of cloud providers (EGI Cloud Compute and also commercial and open clouds – AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, OpenStack, OpenNebula, …) with a single set of mouse clicks.

IM has been developed by the Grid and High Performance Computing Group (GRyCAP) at the Instituto de Instrumentación para Imagen Molecular (I3M) from the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV).

26 May 2021