EGI Federation Home
Updated 03/07/2023

Looking back at EGI2023

Now #EGI2023 is over, our bags are unpacked and (almost all) administration is done, we are  ready to look back and share some of our highlights.

First of all, we were super excited to see so many of you traveling all the way to Poznań. With more than 240 in-person attendees and more than 80 online followers, we are ready to call this year’s conference (again) a success. We’ve seen participants from all European countries and beyond, seen more than 100 speakers in action and discovered more than 50 demonstrators, exhibitors and posters. We’re happy to report a satisfaction rate of 8.37/10 based on the survey results, which makes us believe that we are on the right track to make our annual conference The Event for international scientific communities, computing and service providers, European projects, security experts, community managers, and policy makers. Of course, we know we can always do better on some fronts – we’ve read your comments and remarks and we will take them into account next year!

Very soon, you’ll be able to access the available recordings and presentations via our Indico archive page . You can already access the recordings of our plenary room via our YouTube livestream archive.






EGI2023 day-by-day

Highlights from #EGI2023 – Day 1

This summary blog provides a concise overview of the key sessions held during the EGI2023’s...

Magdalena Brus
June 21, 2023
Highlights from #EGI2023 – Day 2

In this brief summary, we will provide an overview of the main sessions that took...

Magdalena Brus
June 22, 2023
Highlights from #EGI2023 – Day 3

Here’s an overview on the third and last day of #EGI2023. Looking forward to next...

June 23, 2023

What's next?

We can start planning for #EGI2024!

We continue to analyse the survey results, we’re talking to potential hosts for next year, and we have some ideas to make next year’s programme even more awesome.

Stay tuned!

If you have some further ideas for collaborations or partnerships, if you are interested in hosting #EGI2024 or if you want to be part of the programme, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at events at egi dot eu.


Special thanks

We would like to thank our partners, PSNC and CS3MESH4EOSC  (ScienceMesh), for a fruitful collaboration.

A special thanks goes out to our exhibitors: binaré, C-Scale, DataMite, DigitBrain, EOSC DIH, EUDAT, EuroScienceGateway, GREAT, The Lisbon Council, MathWorks, and OpenAIRE.

We would also like to express our gratitude to all speakers, session hosts, trainers, demonstrators and poster presenters. We cannot shape our programme without you, and we really appreciate the effort you all made to send in proposals!

And, finally, we would like to thank You, our audience. Especially after the hard covid-years, we cannot appreciate enough the joy of seeing each other in real life again. Talking, listening, learning together (sprinkled with a generous amount of good food and nice drinks) – it remains core to a vibrant community, and it’s an honour to provide this opportunity to you all, every year.

See you at #EGI2024!