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Prototyping an interdisciplinary Digital Twin Engine (DTE)


EGI Foundation
interTwin co-designs and implements the prototype of an interdisciplinary Digital Twin Engine (DTE), an open-source platform that provides generic and tailored software components for modelling and simulation to integrate application-specific  Digital  Twins(DTs). Its specifications and implementation are based on a co-designed conceptual model -the  DTE blueprint architecture-guided by the principles of open standards and interoperability. The ambition is to develop a common approach to the implementation of DTs that is applicable across the whole spectrum of scientific disciplines and beyond to facilitate development and collaboration.
Funding Source
EC Horizon Europe
project budget
EUR 12,379,251
egi budget
EUR 1,817,118
Contract No.
type of project
Research and innovation
Target Group
Research communities

EGI Foundation role in the project:

EGI is the project coordinator.

Expected results:

  • consolidation of software technologies supporting research
  • enhanced accessibility to technological capacity and the support of AI uptake in research

Relevance for EGI:

The project supports the principles of the EGI Federation Strategy 2020-2024, in particular:
  • Be a trusted service & technology partner for research and innovation
  • Evolve the service offering to meet the needs of researchers

Latest news about interTwin
