EGI Federation Home

Join the EGI Federation

Join the EGI Federation, make a difference

The EGI Federation welcomes like-minded countries and international organisations who wish to become part of the EGI vision for a stronger research and innovation sector in Europe

Join the EGI Federation

The EGI Federation: a strong network

Council participants have a key role in the evolution of the strategy and shape of the EGI Federation. They represent the senior decision-making and supervisory authority of the EGI Foundation.



Participants have full access to the internal services provided by the EGI Federation and the EGI Foundation, including all the operational tools required to manage a distributed e-infrastructure.

Why join us

29 partners have joined our federation. Why should you, too?

See below the possibilities to join the EGI Council and check our dedicated brochure to help you get on track with the application!


  • Benefit from a suite of technical tools, internal services and management processes that support federated operations
  • Take an active role in the provision of services enabling federations
  • Access strong connections with international research communities and infrastructures
  • Improve your understanding of requirements from emerging research infrastructures and communities
  • Benefit from federated AAI, federated data access and management, federated compute access and management
  • Priority access to community
    knowledge, expertise and training
  • Share your knowledge within the EGI Federation and related user communities, and contribute to a stronger European Research Area
  • Get support in promoting your services in the EGI or EOSC marketplaces
  • Co-develop new products/services and exchange expertise
  • Simplify international collaboration and support transnational access to services
  • Join flagship projects led by the EGI Foundation or access invitations directed to the EGI Federation Participate as a service provider in (pay for use) or virtual access programme
  • Influence the EGI Federation strategy and align your direction with other countries Influence European-level policy on digital services for research with a unique and coherent voice

Key numbers


Supported publications

580 PB

Online storage capacity




Data centres

Who is eligible?

National e-infrastructure representatives

Institutions representing national e-infrastructures with a mission to provide distributed data & computing services to researchers, including organizations based in non-European countries.

Research communities representatives

Institutions representing communities of researchers with a strong interest in distributed data & computing services.

Legal entities

Other legal entities, in their own capacity or as representative of a consortium that can contribute to the objective of the doundation.

Participant Options

Become an EGI Council Participant

This option provides you with the complete set of benefits from participating in the EGI Federation. You can influence in the strategic direction, seat and voting rights in the EGI Council, priority in joining projects.

With this type of the membership, you can:
  1. Benefit from our internal services
  2. Bid for the internal services
  3. Get advertised on the EGI website, according to the type of membership
  4. Attend our Council meetings
  5. Participate in our working groups
  6. Vote on any decision submitted to the Council
  7. Be part of the ‘linked third party’ mechanism to join proposals (e.g. EC projects)
  8. Get prominence in promotional material
  9. Access Strategy and Policy Decision Support briefing and document reports
  10. Benefit from the EC regulation regarding public procurement

How much does it cost

The participant fee model is based on six levels dependent on the GDP, in case the participant is representing a country; or annual budget, in case the participant represents an international organization.

The number of votes ascribed to a participant is proportional to the fee it pays.



Download the brochure "Joining the EGI Federation"

Are you considering joining the EGI Federation? Download the brochure!

Joining the EGI Federation?

Are you interested in joining the EGI Federation? Send your expression of interest!

Science Park 140
1098 XG Amsterdam

Phone: +31 (0)20 89 32 007

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