EUHubs4DATA 2nd Call for Experiments: deadline extended to February 8th!

The EC funded EUHubs4Data project has allocated 5.8M Euros to provide support to third parties to undertake up a set of data driven cross-border experiments through three rounds of open calls.
EUH4D has decided to extend the 2nd open call deadline to February 8th to allow all interested applicants enough time to finalise their proposal.
In this 2nd Call, with a total budget of 840K €, EUHubs4Data wants to select and finance 14 innovative experiments carried out by SMEs and entrepreneurs, making full use of the potential of the EUHubs4Data datasets and data driven services catalogue. These experiments should contribute to the growth of the global data economy and to the creation of common European data spaces. These experiments can focus on different sectors of economic and societal value for Europe and will help the applicants in testing their service offering and the sustainability of their business ideas.
The experiments will help the SMEs to test their data driven solutions and products, bring them closer to the market and support them in their data driven innovations.
new deadline: February 8th, 2022 (17:00 CET)

What can you expect if your experiment is selected?
Selected experiments will be able to test their data driven solutions and products, bring them closer to the market and to get support for their data driven innovations. EUHubs4Data will provide the experiments with:
- 60K € financial support
- Access to the latest developments on Data Analytics and advanced assets on Big Data.
- Technical & business coaching and continuous follow-up support by Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs), valued up to 70K € per experiment
- Visibility and promotion through all project communication channels and beyond
- Development of and Advice on your Exploitation plan
All information:
Apply now:
Direct link to guidelines:
EGI Foundation is a partner in EUHubs4DATA, a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 951771