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5 June 2024

e-IRG Workshop under Belgian EU Presidency

Brussels, Belgium
e-IRG Belgium Workshop

The e-Infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG) organises two open workshops every year, each under the auspices of the corresponding presidency of the EU Council. The Belgian EU Presidency e-IRG Workshop will be organised as a hybrid event and will bring together e-IRG stakeholders in Brussels, Belgium, as well as online and worldwide. The e-IRG events are official EU presidency events which will take place in the framework of the “Conference on Research Infrastructures” and the “ESFRI Forum meeting”, similar to the Lund events under the Swedish EU presidency.

The overarching theme of the event will be “Sustainable e-Infrastructures for research results valorisation“, in line with the priorities of the Belgian EU Presidency.

There will be two sessions under the Belgian e-IRG workshop:

  • 13:30-15:40 Session 1: The e-Infrastructure contribution to data and research outputs valorisation
  • 16:00-18:00 Session 2: Sustaining the role of e-Infrastructures in EOSC and beyond
5 June 2024
Royal Library of Belgium

EGI at the e-IRG Workshop

We are pleased to announce that EGI Foundation Director Tiziana Ferrari will participate in the session titled "The e-Infrastructure contribution to data and research outputs valorisation" at the e-IRG Workshop. This session aligns with the Belgian EU Presidency's focus on enhancing the valorisation of research results, transforming data and research into sustainable products that benefit society. It aims to underscore the vital role of e-Infrastructures, including EOSC and both thematic and generic data infrastructures, in bridging the innovation gap and aligning academic research with societal, policy, and industry needs, thereby stimulating the EU’s industrial recovery and revitalisation.

EGI has been supporting and implementing a vision for Open Science Commons since 2015. We have recently published a discussion paper on our contribution to the EOSC Federation.