EGI Federation Home
Updated 08/07/2020

EGI Training Infrastructure supporting ENVRI-FAIR event

We are pleased to have our Training Infrastructure service supporting a dedicated ENVRI-FAIR webinar on Monday 13 July: Cloud computing and application development for research infrastructures. The webinar will discuss the basic concepts of cloud computing, including virtualization, containerization, service models, and cloud application development. The speakers will also talk about how clouds can support data management and scientific workflows in the research infrastructures via examples from ENVRIplus and ENVRI-FAIR projects.

EGI will contributing to the webinar by providing access to the cloud resources of the Training Infrastructure. A total of 40 VMs - 1 vCPU core, 2GB RAM and 20G local disk - will be accessed by participants during the webinar.

Register to the webinar to participate!