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Updated 10/03/2021

HealthyCloud kicks off and ready to pave the way for health-related data sharing across Europe

2021 sets off with a great number of new projects EGI is contributing to, one way or the other. This week, we have witnessed the kick-off of the <a href="">HealthyCloud</a> project.

Health and biomedical sciences have relied heavily on the efficiency of health research since the beginning of time. To meet this need, adopting best practices in health data management is crucial. The European Commission has thus made it her priority to create the European Health Data Space (EHDS). This initiative will be a means to improve health research and its translation to healthcare at all levels.

How will HealthyCloud contribute? The project will deliver a Strategic Agenda for the implementation of the European Health Research and Innovation Cloud (HRIC), which will be one of the cornerstones of the EHDS.

HealthyCloud has been organised around four fundamental objectives that cover:

  1. interactions with stakeholders to ensure their voices are included as part of the Strategic Agenda;
  2. inclusion of Ethical, Legal and Societal aspects in the design of the future HRIC ecosystem;
  3. sustainable access, use and re-use of health-related data, available in several data collections spread in data hubs, considering a progressive adoption of the FAIR principles; and
  4. technological solutions in terms of computational facilities and mechanisms to enable distributed health data analysis across Europe.

For more information on the project, read the full press release and/or visit the project's website.

Updated 10/03/2021

HealthyCloud kicks off and ready to pave the way for health-related data sharing across Europe

2021 sets off with a great number of new projects EGI is contributing to, one way or the other. This week, we have witnessed the kick-off of the <a href="">HealthyCloud</a> project.

Health and biomedical sciences have relied heavily on the efficiency of health research since the beginning of time. To meet this need, adopting best practices in health data management is crucial. The European Commission has thus made it her priority to create the European Health Data Space (EHDS). This initiative will be a means to improve health research and its translation to healthcare at all levels.

How will HealthyCloud contribute? The project will deliver a Strategic Agenda for the implementation of the European Health Research and Innovation Cloud (HRIC), which will be one of the cornerstones of the EHDS.

HealthyCloud has been organised around four fundamental objectives that cover:

  1. interactions with stakeholders to ensure their voices are included as part of the Strategic Agenda;
  2. inclusion of Ethical, Legal and Societal aspects in the design of the future HRIC ecosystem;
  3. sustainable access, use and re-use of health-related data, available in several data collections spread in data hubs, considering a progressive adoption of the FAIR principles; and
  4. technological solutions in terms of computational facilities and mechanisms to enable distributed health data analysis across Europe.

For more information on the project, read the full press release and/or visit the project's website.