Mariene Informatie Service MARIS BV (MARIS) mission is to improve the overview of and access of data, information and knowledge about the sea. The MARIS foundation was established in 1989 and set up the MARIS company, which has been active since 1996. MARIS develops and manages projects and internet systems for management and provision of marine and ocean data.
Represented Entity
International Research Community
SeaDataNet AISBL is legal entity under the Belgian law (“International non-profit organization”) officially established since May 6th, 2019. According to its statutes , The Organization, which does not seek financial gain, aims to work in the collective interest of its members to improve the quality and effectiveness in the management, the processing and the dissemination of oceanographic data at national, regional and global levels.

in which the Federation member participates

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Join a federation of committed organisations aiming to deliver open solutions for advanced computing and data analytics in research and innovation.
EGI Foundation
Science Park 140
1098 XG Amsterdam
Phone: +31 (0)20 89 32 007