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An AI on-demand platform to support research excellence in Europe


University College Cork - National University of Ireland, Cork
The AI4Europe project launched in July 2022 with the aim to address the following challenges of the AI-on-demand platform:
  • to foster the increase of shared research and cooperation
  • to have a sustainability model that will self-sustain the platform in the long term
  • to achieve interoperability with existing platforms and ensure the flexibility to customise/adapt to the specificities of different communities
  • to enhance the amount of AI assets delivered on the platform
The AI4Europe project will extend, and improve the existing AI ecosystem of the AI-on-demand platform to incorporate and improve the use from the research, academic and innovation community, while continuing to support SMEs and connected projects. It will facilitate openness and transparent access to AI across a spectrum of stakeholders and provide them with tools that ease their needs and empower their understanding and research on AI.
Furthermore, AI4Europe will encourage transferrable research on AI to foster innovation, reducing the gap between industrial research and academic research. This will be achieved by ensuring that the AI-on-demand platform supports easily reproducible and open access results and outputs.
Funding Source
EC Horizon Europe
project budget
EUR 8,992,797
egi budget
EUR 452,250
Contract No.
type of project
Research and innovation
Target Group
Research communities

EGI Foundation role in the project:

EGI is contributing to the architectural design and implementation of open distributed software to ensure that AI4Europe evolves as a distributed ecosystem. EGI is also providing its expertise on physical resources, usability, development of systems, distributed systems and new technologies to develop mechanisms for the AI tools to deploy/make use of private/public Cloud and HPC resources.

Relevance for EGI:

The AI4Europe project is aligned with the European Commission AI strategy, which aims to strengthen European competitiveness in AI and ensure that AI benefits society as a whole. By participating in the project, EGI offers its expertise in technical architecture design and its services, including AAI and Notebooks, contributing to the delivery of open AI solutions and evolving its services to meet the needs of researchers. In addition,  EGI Foundation contributes to leverage initiatives and policies designed to promote responsible and ethical AI development and deployment, providing opportunities to collaborate with stakeholders in the European AI ecosystem, facilitating knowledge exchange, and fostering innovation in AI technologies within the context of the EGI infrastructure.

News about AI4Europe
