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Supporting the European cloud community by providing recommendations and strategies to guide the future of European cloud services and their market regulations.


Project Coordinated by Martel gmbh

New cloud technologies, services and solutions are constantly emerging, furthering the creation of a digital single market in Europe. However, this market is currently fragmented and defined by the absence of a cloud culture. The EU-funded H-CLOUD project aims to address this problem by setting up a sustainable forum of stakeholders to establish a common vision for the future of cloud computing in Europe. The forum will be a live community of organisations and individuals whose goal will be to address challenges and opportunities arising at the research, technological, policy, standardisation and organisational levels. The project will help unlock the potential of cloud computing and support the creation of a digital single market.


project budget
EUR 2.000.000
egi budget
EUR 267.177
Contract No.
type of project
Research and innovation
Target Group
Research communities

EGI Foundation Role in the Project

EGI Foundation is leading the H-Cloud strategy and contributes to other tasks in community building and stakeholder engagement. The EGI director will be the scientific director of the project and manage engagement of experts via the Advisory Board.

Expected Results:

  • Coherent strategy for EU cloud computing industry, with actions agreed by the European Cloud  Community
  • Specific recommendations for EC policy and support actions (especially through Horizon Europe and Digital Europe)

Relevance for EGI:

EGI developed an in-depth understanding of the EU commercial cloud market and challenges for EU customers, which is shaping development of research-oriented advanced computing and data management solutions. H-Cloud highlighted EGI’s expertise both in data sharing and data management and in cloud federation in the context of the EU Strategy for Data (February 2020) and allowed EGI to develop its relationship with GAIA-X from both a policy and technical perspective.

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