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Annual Report

EGI Federation Annual Report 2018

This annual report provides an extensive overview of the results that have been achieved through the collaborative efforts in 2018.

The EGI Operations Team is a distributed group of experts. Together with the Operations Management Board, Operations looks after the EGI Federation which in 2018 comprised sites in 42 countries worldwide. The team guarantees that services are delivered consistently, via the monitoring of OLA and SLA targets, following up on problems and maintaining a safe infrastructure thanks to security experts monitoring vulnerabilities and ensuring that they are dealt with. In 2018, the Operation Team worked on the consolidation and expansion of the EGI Federated Cloud, and on the migration to ensure the native support of OpenNebula and OpenStack, as well as the native support of OpenID ConnectOAuth via Check-in for the authentication and authorization of access. Following the announcement of the end of life of CREAM-CE, a compute element deployed in the federation, the operations team was active in planning for its decommission. The Operations team also worked closely with EUDAT to align processes, policies and the related support tools used to operate the EGI Federation and the EUDAT CDI. In particular, the team led the definition of the operational infrastructure roadmap, which summarises the steps and the timeline for the implementation of the full operations framework of EGI in the context of the EOSC.


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