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Updated 18/02/2022

DIGITbrain – Providing easy access to Digital Twins for SMEs

Call for experiments opens February 28th

With the DIGITbrain project, the EU wants to make Digital Twin technology available for SMEs and small businesses across Europe. With a Digital Twin, companies can rationalise the manufacturing process, make predictions regarding expected machine failures and can predict maintenance needs.

The project will support more than 20 highly innovative cross-border experiments, bringing together technology providers and manufacturing end-users, and facilitating cost-effective distributed and localised production, based on on-demand manufacturing machine capacity.

In total, the project will realise 3 waves of experiments:

EGI is the main Cloud provider in DIGITbrain and in the first year its cloud resources have been integrated with the software stack implemented by the project through MICADOscale and CloudBroker-Platform.

For 2022, EGI is working to provide the storage infrastructure for the DIGITbrain model repository, with the technology based on Onedata, operated by EGI Council partner Cyfronet.

The second call for experiments opens on February 28th, 2022! Check the DIGITbrain open call page for more information, requirements and updates.

EGI is a partner in DIGITbrain, an EU innovation program to give SMEs easy access to digital twins. The DIGITbrain project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 952071.