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INFN-CLOUD-CNAF and GSI-LCG2 joining the EGI Federated Cloud

Two sites recently joined the EGI Federated Cloud, widening the support and availability of cloud providers for researchers. Both INFN-CLOUD-CNAF and GSI-LCG2 are joining the Federated Cloud as part of the EGI-ACE project. Access to both providers will be funded via VA and is already made available in the EOSC sphere, as providers of the EGI Cloud Compute. The INFN-CLOUD-CNAF cloud provider additionally brings GPGPU resources to the table, which can benefit many of the AI/ML use cases. We look forward to the impact of both providers!

The EGI Federated Cloud is a IaaS-type cloud, made of academic private clouds and virtualised resources and built around open standards. Its development is driven by requirements of the scientific community. Click here to read more about the service and its providers.