EGI Federation Home
Updated 28/07/2022

Two new projects have just started

We’re happy to announce that two projects involving the EGI Federation just started!

The first one is UNLOCK-CEI

UNLOCK-CEI and its sibling OpenContinuum are a coordination and support action (CSA) funded by the European Union, and are working on building the European Cloud, Edge & IoT Continuum (CEI) for business and research. One of the early results of their collaboration is the portal

EGI leads the work package coordinating the development of readiness framework for CEI adoption in the EU, the development of demand scenarios and market scenarios (to be validated by the demand-side through workshops run by other partners), and the development of full market scenarios, market development pathways, key factors influencing different pathways, all to be validated by an expert panel convened by EGI, document all of the above plus recommendations for stakeholders (including EC).

The second is AI4Europe.

The project will extend and improve the existing AI ecosystem of the AI-on-demand platform to incorporate and improve the use from the research, academic and innovation community while continuing to support SMEs and connected projects. It will facilitate openness and transparent access to AI across a spectrum of stakeholders and provide them with tools that ease their needs and empower their understanding and research on AI.

EGI contributes to the architectural design and implementation of open distributed software to ensure that AI4Europe evolves as a distributed ecosystem. EGI also provides its expertise on physical resources, usability, development of systems, distributed systems and new technologies to develop mechanisms for the AI tools to deploy/make use of private/public Cloud and HPC resources.