EGI Federation Home


The network for science, research and education in Austria

In EGI, ACOnet represents Austrian organisations that contribute to facilitating access to general & specialised ICT resources at pan-European scale and to provide high-quality research data (e.g. earth observation and climate data sets, etc.) according to the FAIR principles to facilitate interdisciplinary research and education.


With a combination of a powerful backbone and services highly focussed on customers’ needs, ACOnet provides its participants many possibilities for scientific, innovative communication, cooperation and further development at a national and international level.

ACOnet supports the forming of communities of participants with similar needs and goals. Community building is the basis for mutual trust, which again is a prerequisite for secure and efficient communication as well as for the implementation of services.

ACOnet, as a neutral and non-commercial expert institution, offers its know-how to the community and cooperates with relevant organisations and institutions in Austria and beyond.

partnership type
EGI Council Participant
partnership Option
Joined in
Represented consortium

ACOnet Partners

In the context of the EGI Federation, ACOnet its members to contribute to the federation’s mission to deliver open solutions for advanced computing in research and innovation, coordinating and provisioning an international federated infrastructure that pools together service providers from both the public and private sector in Europe to develop, integrate and deliver digital services for compute- and data-intensive research and innovation.

In particular, TU Wien, EODC, Uni Graz, Uni Innsbruck, BOKU, ZAMG and Uni Wien will contribute to facilitating access to general & specialised ICT resources at pan-European scale and to provide high-quality research data (e.g. earth observation and climate data sets, etc.) according to the FAIR principles to facilitate interdisciplinary research and education.

Highlights - Annual Country Impact Report

News from ACOnet



in which the Federation member or institutions in the country participate

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Join a federation of committed organisations aiming to deliver open solutions for advanced computing and data analytics in research and innovation.

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EGI Foundation

Science Park 140
1098 XG Amsterdam


Phone: +31 (0)20 89 32 007