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Training Infrastructure

Dedicated Computing and Storage for Training and Education

The Training Infrastructure is a cloud-based computing and storage resource for training events. It is useful to organise onsite tutorials or workshops and online training courses or as a platform for self-paced learning.

Designed to support a wide range of training and educational events, this cloud-based platform offers a seamless environment for onsite tutorials, workshops, online courses, and self-paced learning.
With the Training Infrastructure, trainers can effortlessly deploy custom virtual machine images tailored to their specific training needs. This flexibility empowers educators to create immersive and engaging training environments for their students.
Additionally, the community benefits from the ease of deployment and the ability to reuse course materials, promoting collaboration and knowledge sharing.
Harnessing the same high-quality computing and storage environment that EGI provides to
researchers, the Training Infrastructure ensures optimal performance and reliability.

Main Features

Its main characteristics include:

  • Targeted courses and added value for scientific communities, fostering specialisation and
  • Easy-to-use, on-demand access, enabling trainers to enhance their training offerings and
    meet evolving demands.
  • Streamlined deployment of courses and materials, promoting efficiency and maximising resource utilisation.

TRL 9 Actual system proven in operational environment.

EGI Training Infrastructure fueiling D4GEN Hackathon Success

The EGI Training Infrastructure played a pivotal role in enabling multiple editions of the  D4GEN hackathon in France. This immersive event centred around harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence to unravel the intricacies of ecosystems, extract invaluable insights, delve into biological diversity, and model the diverse processes shaped by living organisms. In the 2022 and 2023 editions, 16 research teams, consisting of approximately 50 participants,  embarked on this scientific adventure.
Leveraging the robust capabilities of the EGI Training Infrastructure, these teams consumed over 200K CPUh, utilising cutting-edge resources to push the boundaries of knowledge and innovation.

Get started

Request access

You can submit a request via the EOSC marketplace

Consultancy & Support

Are you wondering if this service can help solving your challenges? Are you a user and seek support?


With Training Infrastructure, you can address these challenges:
Interactive computing

Data analytics and visualisation with Jupyter Notebooks. EGI Solution.

Batch computing

Fully managed batch processing in the EGI Infrastructure. EGI Solution.

Service hosting

Scale-up domain-specific web hosting solutions on the EGI Federated Cloud. EGI Solution.


Case studies

How our community uses Training Infrastructure

Our providers

This service is offered by providers of the EGI Federated Cloud Platform. The available resources are offered as part of the VO Operational Level Agreement (OLA).

GSI-LCG2 has provided resources to the training infrastructure during the period June 2021 – June 2023. Moreover, GSI-LCG2 has been supporting the various editions (2022-2023) of the D4GEN Hackathon.


This service is co-funded by the European Commission.


EGI Council Participant CESNET represents the Czech National Grid Infrastructure, operated by MetaCentrum. CESNET is...


EGI Council Participant IISAS

Service documentation

Intructions, manuals and a strong community

This documentation focuses on using the service.

The available resources and conditions are described in an Operational Level Agreement (OLA).

Related news:


Let's talk. Contact our Support Team.

Do you have a question or need further help on our Cloud Compute service? Fill out the form and let's connect.



EGI Foundation

Science Park 140
1098 XG Amsterdam


Phone: +31 (0)20 89 32 007