EGI Council Participant CESNET represents the Czech National Grid Infrastructure, operated by MetaCentrum. CESNET is the department responsible for coordinating and managing grid activities in the Czech Republic on behalf of the Czech NGI.
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The Czech National Grid Infrastructure is operated by MetaCentrum, CESNET is the department responsible for coordinating and managing grid activities in the Czech Republic on behalf of the Czech NGI. Long-term goal of the MetaCentrum project is operation and coordination of distributed computing and data storage infrastructure in the Czech Republic as a dynamic network of resources across different locations and administrative domains, as a part of the pan-European infrastructure built in the framework of the EGI project, accompanied by an appropriate support environment and continual expansion of available computational capacities. The main aim of the project is the constitution of a virtual computer that allows effective utilization of installed facilities and solving tasks whose memory and/or CPU requirements exceeds possibility of individual single computing centers. MetaCentrum structure is flexible enough, any academic subject within the Czech Republic is able to fully integrate any computing capacities in current MetaCentrum infrastructure getting significant higher computing power for research.
One of the purposes of MetaCentrum is to establish a fully-fledged National Grid Initiative (NGI) in the Czech Republic with connection to the international environment. MetaCentrum officially represent the interests of the national Grid community towards other national and international bodies. Ultimately, MetaCentrum aims to provide computational power that would not have been possible without a Grid infrastructure.
List of represented organisations:
Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague— Academy of Fine Arts in Prague— Academy of Performing Arts in Prague— Brno University of Technology— Charles University— The Czech Academy of Sciences— Czech Technical University in Prague— Czech University of Life Sciences Prague— University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague— Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno— Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem— Masaryk University— Mendel University in Brno— Palacký University Olomouc— The Police Academy of the Czech Republic in Prague— Silesian University in Opava— Technical University of Liberec— Tomas Bata University in Zlín— University of Defence— University of Economics, Prague— University of Hradec Králové— University of Ostrava— University of Pardubice— University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice— University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno— University of West Bohemia— VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava

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