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EGI Conference 2024


September 30th - October 4th 2024, Lecce, Italy


At the annual EGI conference, international scientific communities, computing and service providers, European projects, security experts, community managers, and policy makers gather to take research and innovation in data-intensive processing and analytics forward, in a safe and open environment with room for in-depth discussion, new insights, networking, … and a lot of fun!

We’re happy to announce that EGI2024 will take place in beautiful Lecce, Italy – from September 30th to October 4th.

For this edition of our annual conference, we are closely collaborating with Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC), based in Lecce.

30 September - 4 October 2024
Hilton Garden Inn - CMCC HQ, Lecce, Italy
395 EUR (Early Bird)

About CMCC

The Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) is an Italian research centre dedicated to climate and climate-related research, including climate variability, its causes and consequences, carried out through numerical models ranging from Global Earth System to Regional models within the Euro-Mediterranean area.

About Lecce

Located in the very heel of Italy, Lecce is a gorgeous, baroque city with a delightful Mediterranean climate at the end of September, known for its olive oil and wine culture.

About the venue

EGI2024 will take place in the Hilton Garden Inn in beautiful Lecce, Italy. Located in the very heel of Italy, Lecce is a gorgeous, baroque city with a delightful Mediterranean climate at the end of September, known for its olive oil and wine culture. 

The hotel is within walking distance from the historical city centre. The co-located events on Monday and Friday will take place at conference partner CMCC headquarters, nearby (a shuttle service between the hotel and CMCC will be provided)


  • Timeline
    • March 21st: Opening Call for Abstracts
    • April 25th May 6: Closing CfA
    • End of May 2024: Programme (draft) available
    • May 27 2024: start Registration – Get your ticket now:
    • August 15 eod: Early Bird Ticket sales end
    • September 15 eob: all ticket sales end


The programme is available on the event indico page so you can plan your travel. The final programme, including speaker information, will be made available on our conference app Whova.

Please note that while registrations will happen via eventbrite, the conference app and communications will again be Whova – once you are registered, you will receive an invitation to install the app. 


Get our official event app,

For Blackberry or Windows Phone, Click here

For feature details, visit Whova


Tickets available from May 27 on Eventbrite

Regular (August 16th – September 15th 23:59)

  • 3-day conference (including lunch, coffee breaks, and networking reception on Tuesday): 545 EUR + VAT
  • 1-day ticket (including lunch, coffee breaks): 195 EUR + VAT
  • Networking Dinner at Torre del Parco on Wednesday: 77 EUR + VAT
  • co-located events and project meetings: no charge but separate registration might be required (check the programme for details)

On combination tickets (1 day or 3 days + dinner), the conference dinner will not be specified as a separate cost on the invoice unless specifically requested.

High-Level Programme

Mon - Tue

Start time: 11:00 / 14:00

End time: 18:00



Co-located events: 09:00 – 12:30

Conference start: 13:30


Start time: 09:00

End time: 18:00


Conference: 09:00 – 15:00

Co-located events: 15:15 – 18:00

Thu - Fri

Start: 09:00

End: 12:30

Programme Details

Programme Committee

  • Amanda Calatrava (UPV)
  • Elisa Cauhé (EGI Foundation)
  • Donatello Elia (CMCC – organising partner)
  • Italo Epicoco (CMCC – organising partner)
  • Enol Fernandez (EGI Foundation)
  • Gwen Franck (EGI Foundation) – Support
  • Luciano Gaido (INFN)
  • David Kelsey (STFC/UKRI)
  • Tamas Maray (SZTAKI)
  • Paola Nassisi (CMCC – organising partner)
  • Sorina Pop (CREATIS)
  • Gergely Sipos (EGI Foundation) – Chair



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News about EGI2024


Past conferences


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June 19th - June 23rd

EGI2022 Together for Tomorrow – Innovative Computing for Research takes place from September 20th to...

September 19th - September 23rd 2022

EGI2021 took place virtually from 18th – 21st October 2021

19th October - 21st October 2021