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Cloud Compute

Run virtual machines on demand with complete control over computing resources

Cloud Compute gives you the ability to deploy and scale virtual machines on-demand. It offers guaranteed computational resources in a secure and isolated environment with standard API access, without the overhead of managing physical servers.

Cloud Compute

Cloud Compute

With Cloud Compute, you can deploy and scale virtual machines on demand. This means you’ll have guaranteed computational resources at your fingertips in a secure and isolated environment. Plus, with open API access, you can enjoy all the benefits of virtualisation without the overhead of managing physical servers.

Main features

Here are a few ways you can use Cloud Compute to enhance your workflow:

  • Execute compute- and data-intensive workloads (both batch and interactive) with ease
  • Host long-running services like web servers, databases, or application servers
  • Create disposable testing and development environments on virtual machines and scale your infrastructure as necessary
  • Select virtual machine configurations (CPU, memory, disk) to suit your needs
  • Manage your Cloud Compute resources in a flexible way with integrated monitoring and
    accounting capabilities

With EGI Cloud Compute, you can easily select pre-configured virtual appliances from our extensive catalogue, which is replicated across all EGI cloud providers. This means you can access a wide variety of computing resources without having to worry about maintenance, upgrades, or hardware failures.
You can also scale up or down your computing resources based on your research needs, without disrupting your workflow.

Riding the waves of success: How OBSEA leveraged EGI Cloud Compute

OBSEA is a cutting-edge underwater observatory that revolutionises the exploration and comprehension of seas and oceans. As oceans are intricate and dynamic systems, a thorough understanding of their complexities is essential.

OBSEA’s innovative approach involves gathering a high-resolution, multidisciplinary, long-time series collection of environmental variables that sheds light on the complexity of these vast bodies of water. The EGI Cloud Compute service plays a crucial role in ensuring scientific excellence by providing the necessary infrastructure to deploy data acquisition and data visualisation services.

Consequently, the combination of OBSEA and EGI Cloud Compute service represents a significant advancement in oceanic research, providing invaluable insights into the mysteries of the world’s oceans.

Get started

Trial access

Try the service, prototype and validate applications and services.

The EGI grant includes up to 4 vCPU cores, 8GB of RAM and 100GB of block storage.

Custom access

Long-term access, service level guarantees, dedicated support.

Consultancy & Support

Are you wondering if this service can help solving your challenges? Are you a user and seek support?


With Cloud Compute, you can address these challenges:
Service hosting

Scale-up domain-specific web hosting solutions on the EGI Federated Cloud. EGI Solution.


Success Stories

How our community uses Cloud Compute
TerraDue Earth Observation
Collaboratively advancing Earth Science via advanced computing resources

Advancing Earth Science Collaboratively. EGI Case Study.


Our providers

This service is offered by providers of the EGI Federated Cloud Platform


This service is co-funded by the European Commission

Service documentation

Instructions, manuals and community resources

This documentation focuses on using the service.

Webinar: Introduction of the EGI Cloud Compute service

How to use Accelerated Computing in EGI Federated Cloud

IaaS Service providers documentation

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